Sunday, September 30, 2018

Perfectly Unique

Perfectly Unique Life is an original painting in Honor of the many Wonderful People in this world who Live Perfectly Unique Lives with Spectrum Disorders such as Autism.

     Spectrum Disorders can be defined as any of a group of disorders that occur on a continuum with certain features that are shared but manifest in various forms and degrees.  Examples include Bipolar, PTSD, OCD, Anxiety, Asperger's, Autism and others.

     I had heard of Autism, seen and met people who were living with it, but I began to understand it better after my nephew's diagnosis.   I went to the local library and checked out every book on the subject.  I wanted to be a supportive, loving and understanding Aunt.

     Shortly after I heard of a charity event for Autism Awareness.  I have donated paintings in the past to various organizations and wanted to do my part to help. I started working on this I decided to attempt to cut a canvas board into the shape of a puzzle piece it was a challenge but turned out pretty nice.  I thought long and hard on what would be appropriate.  I decided a heart of gold described well many who live in the spectrum. This specific heart is created with 2 spirals representing the Eternal nature of Love.

     I wanted somehow to reassure my brother, his wife, my nephew, and others that this recent diagnosis while a bit confusing and a tad scary for us all was going to perfectly fine.  I considered how much I love my nephew just the way he is and so the "Perfectly Unique Life" came to be.

     It took a little longer than expected to finish this so when I called to offer it to the organization I was disappointed to hear I had just missed the deadline by days.  I decided that may well be for the best because I have a firm belief the love we pour into something can be felt by others.

     I continue to Love this painting as I have the pleasure to watch my young nephew grow, evolve, and live a Perfectly Unique Life.  I hope you enjoy this work of art and if you have the pleasure of knowing someone living in the Spectrum appreciate them for who they are Perfectly Unique individuals.

Thank you and have a Blessed Day